Reddit reported this Income Last night, and when it decreased in terms of user development (Thanks to Google), To tell the report of earnings, it seemed that how much OpenIE was paying to license its content.

As AdvekBetween Google and Openai, its AI licensing deal brings about 10% of its revenue. 10% of its revenue is about 130 million dollars. We know that Google has paid around $ 60 million to Reddit for its content deal, and is the only known company Openai, the only known company that makes a deal with Reddit for its content. It leaves Openai paying $ 70 million to Reddit for its license deal.

More information. I saw it through Glenn Gab, who posted This on x and write:

Some mathematics, but interesting 🙂 Reddit told Adweek that its AI licensing deals make about 10% of their revenue. The annual revenue for Reddit in 2024 was $ 1.3B, so 10% is $ 130m. Google Reddit pays $ 60m, which means Openai Reddit is paying approximately $ 70m per year. This number was never revealed. Then, interesting.


I am not sure if we knew how much Openai has paid for the content licensing deal for reddit, but now we seem.

Why do we care? I am not a financial specialist, and I rarely cover financial news but Redit looks like an interesting stock. This is a stock price when it fell 15% after hours of trading after the user did not meet the hopes of growth, which the CEO of Reddit said that the Google search can be caused by a change in the algorithm of the search. In addition, Reddit has two material licensing deals that make about 10% of its revenue.

Either way, already facing backlash between the SEOs because it appears in favor of the platform in Google Discussion and stage Serp feature. Reddit is also leading beyond the basic sources of material in some examples.

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