Google introduced a new prediction model to better evaluate the quality of landing page experiences for search advertisements. This update is designed to reduce disappointing advertising experiences and makes it easier for users to find the necessary information without unnecessary boxing.

News driving. The new model of Google improves the ability to guess whether a landing page provides an easy experience. The attention is on reducing “unexpected destinations” whether the page provides easy navigation for relevant content.

The leading advertisements for hard-to-navigate pages are now less likely to appear in the search results.

Why do we care? This update encourages advertisers to prefer user -friendly, easily navigateable landing pages. Advertising for misleading or irrelevant destinations is less likely to appear in advertising search results, which may affect traffic for businesses with poorly customized pages. By investing in creating spontaneous navigation experience, you will probably see better association and long -term values ​​with your search operations.

how it worksEarlier, Google's system mainly assessed the relevance of the landing page content. The update approach more emphasizes overall user experience, including navigational clarity.

Example of real world. If a user clicks on an advertisement expecting a login page, but is directed on a preacher page instead:

  • past experience: The user struggles to find the login link and returns to the search results in despair.
  • New experience: To avoid the need to return to the user Google search, the login link from the promotional page can quickly find.

Ground levelThe update of Google underlines the importance of creating a user -friendly landing page.

For advertisers. To remain competitive, brands must ensure that their landing pages are comfortable and help users to reach the desired information efficiently.

  • Navigability improvement can promote engagement and lead long -term value for both users and advertisers.

What will happen next. Google plans to refine the quality of its advertisements The system develops as a search behavior. Expect the update that focuses on improving AD experiences and giving more relevant results.

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