Education, technology, and software development websites have promoted a referral traffic from the chipp search – and the chatgip has sent more traffic to more than 30,000 unique domains by November.
This is according to the new semarsha (Disclosure: Search engine is owned by land semrush) Analysis of 80 million lines of global clickstream data from the second half of 2024.
Search behavior change. Chatgpt answered approximately 54% questions with the search with the remaining 46% questions with the discovery.
- The average chatgipt prompt length was 23 words, with 2,712 words.
- The average chatgpt search length was very short – just 4.2 words, with high of 301 words.
Search intention innings. In search, there is an intention of keywords – navigational, informative, commercial and transaction (although additional types of discovery are intentions). However, only 30% Chatgpt signs fell into one of these categories, found in analysis. This means that 70% signs are unique and rarely not seen in the classic search engine (eg, Google, Microsoft Bing).
Chatgpt vs Google and Microsoft Bing. Sites receiving referral traffic more than Chatgpt compared to Google include:
- Openai- Related domains, tech and AI-centric platforms.
Microsoft includes more referral traffic than chatgpt compared to bing:
- Educational publishers and research, and education and technical resources.
Chatgpt vs Google User. Google had 6.5 billion unique visitors worldwide compared to 566 million Chatgpt in December. Semarsha also compared the audience's demographics and found:
- Chatgpt users are small and more male.
- The chat wins with students; Google wins with full -time workers, housewives and retired people.
What is Semarsha saying. According to the author of the report, Branna Kelly:
- “For dear and content creators, this data reveals an emerging reality: success in this new scenario requires a change from traditional SEO Matrix to content that actively learning, problem-solution and creative Supports tasks.
Why do we care? The SEO keeps developing quickly. How people find and respond, it is developing. To ensure that the content of your brand can be understood and cited by llms, only more important title will be formed.
Deep excavation. What is a generative engine optimization (Geo)?
Research. Chetgpt Search Investigation: Insight from 80 Million Clickstream Records