Organic and paid click-wealth rates (CTRs) are below-and Google AI overviews are partially to blame. However, the CTR paid, regardless of the AI overview, was present.
The new analysis of ~ 10,000 informative intention keyword rankings in the top 20 posts was organized by the Digital Marketing Agency Ser Interactive.

Organic CTR drop. For those questions where AI overviews appeared, the organic CTR fell rapidly – 1.41% to 0.64% – year -year -year. But when AI overviews were not present, the organic CTR actually increased:

Payment CTR Drop. The paid CTR was less year after year, whether AI overview was present:

But. Payment and Organic CTR really increased when a brand appeared in AI overview:
- paid: 7.89% to 11%
- Organic: 0.74% to 1.02%
Why do we care? Google's AI overview is clearly affecting visibility, engagement and traffic – as we knew when Google launched his forearm, discovery generative experience. Although Google has stated that AI overview runs high discovery satisfaction (as recently on the q4 2024 income call of the alphabet yesterday) – AI overview is clearly not clicking many websites on the year. Analysis of your own keywords will be important to understand if you can be competitive in terms of visibility and click.
About data. Seer drawn data from Google Ads, Google Search Console, and Zipti.Dev and mixed it together to identify changes from January 2024 to January 2025 to identify changes from its analysis, slicing and to sink it together.