Google amended his policy for dating and associated advertisers, pushed back the enforcement and clarified the certification rules for the aggregators.
ExpansionThe certification deadline has been extended from March 4 to April 9. After this date, unproven advertisers will no longer be allowed to run the advertisement.
Agargator updateAgrigetar, which promotes dating or association services, will be eligible to serve banned advertisements with appropriate authentication starting from April 9.
- These advertisements will appear on age and discovery with the country's restrictions.
- Certification for aggregators opens on February 25, while other advertisers may continue to apply for certification.
Why do we care? The certification process aims to ensure transparency and safety in dating-related advertisements on Google. Timeline extensions and aggregator guidelines provide you with additional clarity and time for compliance.
What will happen next: Advertisers should prepare April 9 Enforcement deadline And secure the certification required to avoid disruptions in the campaign eligibility.
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