Many things can be done with Java: this language may be one of the oldest Software programming languagesit continues to occupy a large number of developers around the world.

We are going to examine here 6 of the main Java frameworks.

Struts: an open-source java framework

Java Framework StrutsJava Framework Struts
Apache Struts is an open-source framework. He follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) model. In a traditional approach if a user submits a form with his contact details, the information then goes to a servlet to be processed or the control goes to the next JSP (Java Server Pages – where you can write Java code in an HTML).

Struts separates the view, the controller and the model and ensures the connection between each through a configuration file:

  • The view is managed by a set of beacon libraries.
  • The controller is an action service where you can write models for the view
  • User data is managed using ActionForm Javabean. The action object is responsible for the transmission of the application flow.

Struts is easy to set up and offers better flexibility and extensibility than the traditional MVC approach using only servlets and JSP. It can be a good starting point for a web developer.

Spark: The Java Framework of Apache

Spark Framework JavaSpark Framework Java
Known for its speed and performance, Spark is another open-source framework of the Apache Foundation. It brings together two important factors that have increased its popularity worldwide.
If you are looking to create web applications rich in functionalities in a short time, Apache Spark is indicated.

The applications developed with Apache Spark have a strong response from the user base. In addition, they can easily be personalized depending on the target requirements.

Hibernate: a popular framework thanks to JPA

Hibernate Framework JavaHibernate Framework Java
Although Hibernate is not a complete framework, it has changed the way we use the database.

Hibernate directly maps the Java classes to the corresponding database tables (and vice versa). The main hibernate.cfg.xml file contains information on the Java classes mapping with the configuration of the database.

Hibernate provides an abstraction layer so that the code is cowardly coupled with the database. Things like the establishment of a connection to the database, the execution of CRUD operations are supported by Hibernate – the developers therefore do not need to implement this, which makes the independent code of the database used.

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JSF (Java Server Faces): an MVC framework

JSF Framework JavaJSF Framework Java
Developed by Oracle, Javasever Faces is an MVC framework based on components; The state of the components is recorded during the generation of the rendering of the page and is then restored on the return from the request.

JSF is notably useful for the development of complex servers applications, since it allows you to test the UI live, without having to add other frameworks or bookstores. Html, CSS,,

JavaScript are encapsulated in the framework, allowing the developers of Drag and Drop The various IU components without additional code. With this framework, you can focus on the essentials.

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Spring: another open-source java framework

Spring Framework JavaSpring Framework Java
Open-source framework, Spring has stormed the developing world thanks to its concept of Dependency injection and its programming functions oriented towards aspects. It is a framework used for business applications.

With Spring, developers can create weakly coupled modules in which dependencies are managed by the framework, rather than depending on the code libraries. The Spring framework is exhaustive and covers a large number of features, especially for safety, which are easy to learn.

In addition, as it is undoubtedly one of the most popular frameworksyou can find a lot of documentation and benefit from the support of an active community.

Dropwizard: a light alternative to other frameworks

Dropwizard Framework JavaDropwizard Framework Java
Are you looking for a simple and effective framework? Dropwizard is for you. This open-source framework compiles the most stable java bookstores to provide you with a simple and ultralight result.
Dropwizard offers you turnkey support on configuration, application statistics, logs and operational tools so that you can develop a quality web application in a short time.

You can also take advantage of the millions of users and contributors who change Dropwizard.

Read too :: 6 nodejs frameworks to know

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