Cyber ​​Criminal Microsoft Advertising Accounts are exploiting Google search advertisements to steal credentials, revealing a sophisticated fishing plan that is probably active for years.

Big picture. The attackers created malicious Google advertisements while imitating the official platform of Microsoft Advertisement. The campaign redempts users through complex networks to steal login information. Researchers discovered potential infrastructure

how it works. Hackers use a multi-step process to bypass safety:

  • Create sponsored search results that look like valid microsoft advertisements.
  • Apply clooking techniques to detect bot.
  • Use cloudflare verification to make more authentic look.
  • Introduce a solid fishing page copying the login screen of Microsoft.
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Why do we care? This danger is important because it can compromise advertising accounts, potentially for financial losses, iconic damage and disintegration of important marketing functions on digital platforms.

protect yourself

  • Carefully verify the URL before entering credentials.
  • Use two-work authentication wisely.
  • Monitor advertising accounts regularly.
  • Report suspicious advertisements.

What will happen next? Cyber ​​security firms are investigating its widespread implications Phishing infrastructureWhich spreads many countries and platforms.

Ground level. Since the online advertisement becomes more complex, do techniques used by cyber criminal to take advantage of it.

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About the author

Anu EdegbolaAnu Edegbola

Anu Edgbola has been paid the media editor of the search engine land Since 2024. She covers Payed discovery, payment social, retail media, videos and more.

In 2008, ANU's career began

Digital marketing campaigns (mostly but not particularly payment discovery) by creating strategies, maximizing ROI, automation of repetitive procedures and bringing efficiency from every part of marketing departments through motivational leadership on both agency, client and marketing tech .

Outside the editing search engine land article he is the founder of the PPC networking event – PPC Live and Host Weekly podcast ppcchat roundup.

He is also an international speaker, with some stages, he presented on SMX (US), SMX (Munich), Friends of Search (Amsterdam), Brightonsono, The Marketing Meetup, Heroconf (PPC Hero), Searchlov, Bidibalworld, Ceslondon Has done , PPC Chat Live, Adwarg Experience (Bologna) and more.

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